Kathy Smith, OUSD Trustee Area 4
Kathy Smith has lived in Ojai since 1972, she is a 1976 Nordhoff (NHS) graduate. Kathy and her husband Brian, have three daughters (Trisha, NHS class of 2001, Whitney, NHS class of 2004, and Abby, NHS class of 2015) and three grandchildren Daisy, Millie and Lucas.
Kathy earned two Associate in Science degrees, one in Accounting and in Child Development from Ventura Community College. She worked at Monica Ros School for 25 years as a teacher, business manager, and assistant director of finance during that time. Finally she was the executive assistant to the superintendent for Ojai Unified from 2012 - 2021.
Since retiring Kathy volunteers as the art studio coordinator at Mira Monte Elementary where her granddaughter Daisy attends school. Kathy is passionate about early childhood education, quality programs in public education, and the importance of a well-rounded educational experience for every student.
Kathy has volunteered as a Girl Scout troop leader, Ojai Valley Girls Softball board member, San Antonio Elementary PTO co-president and School Site Council member, Matilija PTO treasurer, Nordhoff NPA member, and Mira Monte Elementary PTO vice president. She was a member of the OUSD Citizens' Oversight Committee and held a leadership position in the 2008 OUSD parcel tax initiative as well as the successful 2014 Measure J and 2020 Measure K Bond initiatives for the District.
Kathy is currently an active member of the Mira Monte PTO, Ojai Valley Woman's Club, the Ojai Valley Women's Fund, and the Ojai Education Foundation.
Email: kathy.smith@ojaiusd.org