Ranger Round Up for new students and freshman will be Thursday August 15th at 5:30 in the gym.
Brief outline of our evening:
Advice for students, campus tour
Advice for parents, Q & A
Student pics & schedules
Purchase school items
Get textbooks
Detailed outline for students and parents:
After your orientation in the cafeteria:
Students take campus tour with Senior Siblings.
After tour, students take school yearbook pictures and photo ID in library
Students use their photo ID to get class schedule in library
Students meet parents in cafeteria to purchase items (agendas, ASB stickers, yearbooks, PE or Dance clothes (if necessary))
Parents can also purchase NPA memberships
Students get textbooks in A3
Enjoy taco dinner--all funds go back to NHS.
Ranger Round Up for returning students will be Friday August 16th starting at noon.
Beginning with seniors at 12 noon, students will take yearbook photos in library and get their photo ID card to access their student schedules. Students and parents are welcome to visit the cafeteria right after getting class schedules to purchase any needed or wanted school supplies, such as agendas, PE clothes, preferred parking, yearbooks, ASB and NPA memberships, etc...
Textbooks for 10th-12th graders will be available through their social studies classes during the first week of school.