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Integrated Math supports the intent of the Common Core State Standards for an increased focus on problem solving and critical thinking skills within the context of meaningful mathematical questions that connect knowledge from a variety of mathematical subject areas (Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, etc.) in an effort to help students as they prepare for college and careers.
Click the link below:
Username: rangers2014
Password: Math2014
Drop in or by referral from teacher
Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 2:45 – 3:45 p.m.
Room D11
Ms. Nelson & Trained Tutors available
Come with your questions ready
Textbooks available at tutoring as needed
Items below including the slide show with detailed information for parents to learn about the reasons for the shift to an integrated mathematics pathway and sample problems from the Smarter Balanced Assessments.
Integrated Math Parent Night Presentation
How to Help With Math When The Answers Aren't In the Book
Integrated Math Support Bookmark
Click here for articles for parents about mathematics from Stanford University
Article about Math:
For questions regarding this program, contact Assistant Principal Jaime Rooney at 640-4343 x 1763 or at jrooney@ojaiusd.org.