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Thank you for taking a moment to review Mira Monte School's policies and procedures for students and parents to follow with regard to safety, buying school lunch, reporting tardies and absences, and taking medications.
Parents need to make every effort possible to have students at their classroom door when the first bell rings at 8:13 a.m.; classes officially begin at 8:15 a.m. each day. Students who have not entered through the gate in front of the office before the 8:15 AM bell are required to check in at the school office. By law, our attendance records have to be accurate as they are the basis of our funding. A student who is marked absent but is actually in attendance due to tardiness must have their attendance record changed for us to be in compliance with these laws. In addition, we need this information for safety reasons. The office needs to know who is actually on campus at any given time.
Teachers truly appreciate students who are on time. The school day begins smoothly and efficiently for both teachers and the rest of the class when all students are ready to receive instruction on time.
If your child is absent, please call the office or leave a message at (805) 640-4384 on the morning of the absence. By law, all absences must be accounted for and recorded.
Regular attendance is essential for a student's maximum achievement. Please try to make any medical or personal appointments after school hours in order to minimize intrusion on instructional time. If it is necessary to schedule an appointment during school hours, please check your child in and out at the school office.If you know that your child will be missing more than 5 days of school due to a trip, you need to arrange to have an Independent Study Contract for the days your child will miss. You can obtain these forms in the Mira Monte office. Please be aware that teachers need time to develop this type of work assignment for the student, so make the arrangement several days in advance of the absence. The completed contracted work must be turned in when the student returns to school. This procedure is a legal requirement to satisfy attendance laws.
Ice packs, Band-Aids, and the cot in the office are our school's first aid tools. The school is not allowed to dispense any type of prescription or "over the counter" medication without a written authorization. The authorization form, available in the office, must be completed and signed by a parent and doctor. The forms are then kept along with the medication to ensure safe dosage administration by a school staff member. New forms must be filled out if the medication dosage or prescription is changed.
Students may not administer their own medications while on campus, whether prescription or "over the counter". If your child needs to carry an inhaler, the authorization form must indicate that the student has been trained to use the inhaler. However, the inhaler will need to be stored either in the school office, or with their classroom teacher.
Mira Monte students have the option of buying a school lunch or milk. The price of a school lunch is $3.00 and includes milk; milk alone is $.50. Applications for free or reduced lunch are available in the office or by clicking English HERE or Spanish HERE. Online registration is available by clicking here. Please return the application to the office at school or the district office if you need this provision. Students on a reduced lunch program will pay just $.40 for a school lunch.
Students wishing to order school lunch must order their lunch with their teacher on the day they are eating a school lunch. School menus are available in the office or online here. For children who want a school lunch every day, parents can send a check for the entire week or month. Depositing funds in your child’s account ahead of time is also useful for those days that packing a lunch is not a possibility due to some unforeseen reason.
Students at Mira Monte can use the office phone for health problems and transportation emergencies. Students may not use school phones to make after school recreation arrangements - those need to be resolved prior to school or after they return home. Students going home on the bus with a friend for a playdate need a note from their parents.
Cell phone use is not allowed for students during school hours. Cell phones must be turned off and stored in the student's backpack.
Mira Monte does not maintain after school supervision of students beyond 15 minutes after dismissal. Students on campus after the bus has departed should be limited to those with parents who are actively supervising their playground activities, or those enrolled in a specific after-school activity sponsored by PTO. For safety reasons, unsupervised students who are still on campus after the bus has departed will be sent to our PTO sponsored Kids Club.
Please use the "drive-through" lanes and exit the parking lot by turning right onto Loma. The entrance to the long parking lot next to the this exit is closed during dismissal in order to lessen the congestion. Parents in the “drive-through” lane are asked to remain in their car. Students are allowed to get into the car once the car has driven past the crosswalk. Students are allowed to get into the cars along the outside lane as long as the car is pulled up along the fence. Parents walking up to pick up their children are asked to wait at the “walk-up” gate at the side of lunch area. Parents are asked to not park in the bus lane.
Students on bicycles must walk their bikes once they reach school grounds. Bike racks are located near the parking lot in front of the school. Please remind your child to wear a helmet while riding and to lock up their bike during school hours.
Skateboarding, riding scooters, and bicycling are not allowed on campus at any hour.
Common sense is the key in dressing for school. Clothing and footwear need to be appropriate for inclusion in physical education and recess activities. Uggs, boots, sandals, flip-flops, and high heels are not considered appropriate for these activities. Hats cannot be worn during class, and pants must be worn at the waist. No bare midriffs or visible undergarments, please. No profane or gang-related logos or verbiage on clothing are allowed.
Our goal is to ensure technology tools are available to all students to enhance their academic achievement. For safety purposes, all students must have a "Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy" form (signed by themselves and a parent) before using the computer lab at San Antonio. These forms are found in the Parent's Rights packet sent home in August, and are also available in the school office. Parents are urged to go over the contract with their child prior to signing to make sure they understand the rules.
Students bringing personal devices to school are required to have a signed “Portable Device Guidelines” form on file in the office. Devices with personal data plans are not allowed to be used in school.
Additional reinforcement of these protections and procedures for computer use are provided during class time in the lab by the library-media technician.
Anti-Bullying Rules:
We will not bully others.
We will try to help students who are bullied.
We will try to include students who are left out.
If we know that someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
Making sure that school is a safe place for everyone is something that we take seriously at Mira Monte School. Teachers, staff, students, and parents are provided training to prevent and address bullying should it occur.
Bullying can happen anywhere. Reporting bully behavior is a critical step in addressing this problem, and you are encouraged to let the school know when there is a problem. The Ojai Unified School District Harassment / Bullying Complaint Form may be submitted by anyone being harassed/bullied or who has witnessed someone else being harassed/bullied. It is to be turned in to the school office or principal. Please call Mira Monte School Principal Katherine White if you have any questions or concerns. She can be reached at (805) 640-4384 x 1250.